Our Services

eNuclear was created as a result of sector-wide concerns and direct client feedback, recognising the need within the sector for a specialist Nuclear eLearning provider. eNuclear is focused entirely on developing eLearning content for Regulated organisations and their supply chains operating within the Nuclear sector. Ranging from a simple refresh of an existing course, creating new content or keeping clients ahead of upcoming Regulatory changes, eNuclear has the in-house expertise to develop engaging eLearning content to meet these needs.

As a Trading Division of IC Nuclear Ltd, eNuclear has access to all areas of their expertise, cross-industry engagement and Subject Matter Experts.

Below are just some examples of the eLearning services we are able to provide;

Nuclear sector-wide training

eNuclear regularly form cross-sector working groups to develop niche training that meets the need of the Nuclear sector as a whole not just individual clients. We also develop the training at our cost and make it available to the entire sector via our LMS or the clients.

Existing courses

‘Death by PowerPoint’ is more common than your think! We work with many clients to convert their training content into something more engaging and flexible that meets the needs of their learners. It can be quick and straightforward and costs less than you think.

New Courses (design & implementation)

Support to develop new courses from start to finish, including engagement with all key stakeholders and subject matter experts to identify and lead the development of your training course. eNuclear has access to the leading eLearning authoring tools including, Articulate 360, Nimble Vyond and Lectora, so whatever your requirement we have the solution to meet your needs. We are also passionate about the inclusivity and accessibility of training because everybody has the right to learn. At IC Nuclear we will look at the demographic and needs of your intended audience and strive to cater for all their needs.

Blended learning

One size never fits all and the requirements of individual learners are always different. That is why we always take extra care to work with our clients to understand the audience and tailor our courses around their requirements. In recognising that learning styles differ from person to person I.e. some prefer reading and some prefer to sit and watch a video etc, our content creators are able to fully utilise our market- leading tools to produce the widest possible content to maximise engagement when developing our courses, including video, animation, workbooks, tests, games etc. If required, we can also incorporate face-to-face and webinars.

Standard off-the-shelf courses (SOTS)

As you would expect we have a variety of existing content that we can tailor to your organisation


Courses are far more interesting for learners when they feel relevant to what they do. We have in-house animators who develop interesting and tailored animated content using the latest tools such as Vyond and Adobe Illustrator.

Industry Participation

eNuclear are passionate about continuous improvement and the sharing of industry best practices across the nuclear sector. We actively support and engage a number of national improvement programmes, sector-specific institutes and collaboration groups.

Below are some organisations and groups we directly and indirectly support across the nuclear sector:

Alpha Resilience and Capability (ARC) Programme

The UK Alpha Resilience and Capability (ARC) Programme is a proactive, long-term collaboration between the UK government, nuclear industry and wider nuclear sector. ARC seeks to identify targeted projects and investments in specialist nuclear skills, expertise and facilities to sustain and enhance the UK’s world-leading Alpha capabilities. The ARC programmes vision is:

“To sustain and enhance our world leading Alpha capabilities so the UK nuclear industry is ready to enact critical national Programmes”

Safety Directors Forum

The SDF looks to identify key strategic challenges facing the industry in the fields of Health, Safety, Security, Safeguards, Environment and Quality and resolve them, often through working with the UK Regulators and Government. The SDF members represent every part of the fuel cycle from fuel manufacture, through generation to reprocessing and waste treatment, including research, design, new build, decommissioning and care and maintenance. The SDF also has members who represent the Ministry of Defence (MoD) nuclear operations, as well as “smaller licensees” such as universities and pharmaceutical companies. With over 25 members from every site licence company in the UK, every MoD-authorised site and organisations which are planning to become site licensees, the SDF represents a vast pool of knowledge and experience, which has made it a key consultee for Government and Regulators on new legislation and regulation.

The SDF has a strong focus on improvement across the industry. It has in place several subject-specific sub-groups looking in detail at issues such as radiological protection, human performance, learning from experience and the implementation of the new regulatory framework for security. Such subgroups have developed several Good Practice Guides which have been adopted by the industry.

Scarce Resource Working Group

This working group supports the strategic objectives of the SDF by bringing together parties from across the industry working on different projects or initiatives related to scarce resources.
The SDF recognises that there are skills shortages across the industry, not just related to safety roles. This is particularly true considering the current “nuclear renaissance” and many organisations are still feeling the effects of covid, recruiting to stand still rather than grow organisations. There is also an ageing workforce and a need to encourage young people to join the industry and pass on the knowledge from one generation to the next.

Intelligent Customer Working Group

The Intelligent Customer Working Group collaborate with interested Licensees and Regulators to improve the sector’s approach to maintaining their ‘Intelligent Customer’ capability and meeting Regulatory expectations, by bringing together and sharing our collective experiences and approaches. This is in addition to liaison with Regulators with regard to upcoming changes to Regulatory expectations. The Working Group is also embarking on a project to update the SDF’s latest ‘Good Practice Guide on the Intelligent Customer role’.

Nuclear Institute

The Nuclear Institute is the only professional membership body dedicated to the nuclear sector.

They welcome members from all parts of the nuclear industry, regardless of specialism, and provide their own nuclear-specific qualification for those in nuclear roles (the Nuclear Delta) as well as registration titles including CEng, IEng, EngTech, CSci, CEnv & REnvTech. They support their members’ professional development and competence for the benefit of the industry and wider society.